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Market research – how to conduct it

FMCG, which means Fast Moving Consumer Goods, is one of the largest and fastest-growing branch in the world. Within the main companies are: Unilever, Procter&Gamble, GlaxoSmithKleine. The definition of this branch, fast moving, means, that products of the producers are moving quickly from retailer’s shelves to consumer ad are bought by customers frequently. As you can see, this means many clients, and very high demand, which translate to low production costs and massive sale. Do not forget about competitiveness. So, on the one hand the producer may has secured market for its products, but on the other hand: many competitors. When you want to debut on this market or maintain position of your product, you have to conduct market research.

What research

Market research in Poland is very popular in this branch. You can conduct research of FMCG products, and their consumers. Sometimes this is too hard to choose. So, the best option is to contract professionals, such as big market research agency. About FMCG, you can find in this branch companies which produce snack foods, ice-cream, beverages, alcoholic beverages, health supplements, baked goods, confectionary, household cleaners, domestic detergents, cosmetics. And you are producer on this market, the producer should take care of products quality, prices, distribution channels, advertisements, social media activity, complaints, brand recognition and many more.

About what

On this market usually customers does not like novelty. This market maintains leadership position of previous products. For the new company or a new product for a company with established position it is substantial to conduct market research Poland. About what, when you need data necessary to develop appropriate strategy for the whole company? Everything begins from the conception of the research project. You have to decide which product, target group, cooperators, you want to research. It is about marketing strategy, information strategy, distribution, efficiency. There is such things, as product concepts, prototypes research, advertising concept testing, advertising campaign tracking, segmentation research, product testing, case studies, brand tracking, brand positioning, range optimization, purchase decision process, new product development.


After you made decision about what to research, you have to choose method and technique of research. There is wide range of this. For example, in qualitative method, you have CATI, CAPI, CAWI, PAPI. You can conduct survey or a poll by telephone, computer and the most innovative – online research. Within quantitative method you have: IDI, FGI, Mystery Client/Shopping, Case Studies. Each of this methods and techniques has strong and weak points. You may add to them desk research analysis and SWOT analysis. You have many options, so – choose wisely.